InThe Writing CooperativebyMargery BayneBeginner’s Guide to Action TagsThe alternative to traditional dialogue tags fiction writers need to knowJul 21, 20214Jul 21, 20214
InFeediumbyJ.J. PryorThe Ultimate Useful Medium Articles ListAll in one place for your convenience!Sep 3, 202118Sep 3, 202118
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InReciprocalbyScot ButwellCalling All Story NerdsA reading club focused on the craft of writingMay 12, 202230May 12, 202230
InReciprocalbyMaria RattrayFear Be Damned. You Want To Be A Writer. So Do The Best You CanThe truth is, yours could touch a nerve or more and overnight, your story becomes viral. Baby steps…big deep breath…yay!May 12, 202213May 12, 202213
InNew Writers WelcomebyScot ButwellYou Can Find 81,000 Amazing Free Images At This Forgotten WebsiteThey can help your story to stand out as cover imagesApr 8, 202220Apr 8, 202220
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InEntrepreneurship HandbookbyJoseph MavericksHow One Simple Tool Measurably Improved My Content Creation ProductivityAs a content creator, running out of ideas means running out of businessFeb 23, 20225Feb 23, 20225
InInspired WriterbyBoateng SekyereI’ve Taken 23 Writing Courses. Here Are My Best Tips To Make You Real Good With WordsNo, you needn’t take all 23Mar 22, 202250Mar 22, 202250
Authentic ArtMy Fellow Writers: All I Care About is Connecting With Your WordsI couldn’t care less if your article is far from perfectly writtenNov 25, 202130Nov 25, 202130
InWriters’ BlokkebyIlam PadmanabhanStop Writing New Posts, Do This Instead!Did you publish and article and wonder if you can get more from it? You can, here are a few things I did taking my own advice!Dec 9, 202142Dec 9, 202142
InCurated NewslettersbyMaria RattraySEO: How Vital Is It For Your Success As An Online Writer?Consider the pros and cons of how things really work behind the scenesJan 12, 20223Jan 12, 20223
InWriters’ BlokkebyMaria RattrayWhat Happens When You Are A Medium Nobody?In response to Coffee Challenge; Why I am pro a shoutout movementDec 5, 202113Dec 5, 202113